Keeping Back To School Single-Use Plastic Free!

Keeping Back To School Single-Use Plastic Free!

It’s August and you know what that means. It’s Back to School season! With all of the excitement of new books and old friends, packaging and plastic waste are a huge problem. 

As you get ready to go back to the classroom this year, if you’re a parent or guardian, a student, or both, here are some easy tips you can use to reduce plastic waste at school.

Before you buy new, look to see what you already have at home. It’s so easy to forget what we already have tucked away in cupboards and closets. You may have those pencils and erasers, or even an old backpack laying around. Take inventory, and we bet you’ll be surprised!

If you do need new supplies, consider what you truly need. Simple choices like wooden pencils over mechanical ones, or colored pencils instead of highlighters make an impact on plastic waste. 

Did you know that it takes over 20 years for a plastic sandwich bag to fully decompose, and 450 years for a plastic juice or soda bottle?  Plastic waste is a concern in the cafeteria, no matter how old you are. There are a number of small changes that you can make to create a huge impact!

Making small choices such as bringing a lunch packed in reusable containers or beeswax wraps, and avoiding over-packaged snacks (fruit is a great option!) are a great way to reduce the amount of waste you throw away at lunch. 

If bringing lunch isn’t an option, consider replacing disposable forks, spoons and even straws with your own reusable kind; of course, you should always remember to carry your reusable water bottle. The average college student throws away over 150 plastic water bottles per year!

At Fill It Forward we encourage reuse and plastic waste reduction as a commitment to ourselves and our planet. Our products are designed for more than use; they directly engage and reward the reuser. 

From us here at Fill It Forward, have a safe and happy August and if you have any questions, we’d love to hear from you at!

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