Together, we can make an impact for our planet and the people on it

Photo credit: charity: water

Together, we can make an impact for our planet and the people on it​

Fill it Forward Giving Model


Place a Reuse Tracker on your reusable


Scan it using the Fill it Forward app, every time you reuse 


Each scan contributes to the completion of a charitable project*

*Projects are funded through product sales and corporate partnerships


Charities receive funding to build impactful infrastructure

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Our trusted charitable partners specialize in creating sustainable solutions that help bring clean water and nutritious food to people in need.

WaterAid has teams in 35 countries, changing millions of lives every year with clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene.

charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries.

DIGDEEP is a non-profit organization working to ensure that every American has clean, running water forever.

Water First

Water First is dedicated to working with First Nations communities to resolve local water challenges through education, training and collaboration.

Wine to Water

Wine To Water is a non-profit organization committed to supporting life and dignity for all through the power of clean water.


Second Harvest is one of the largest food rescue charities with a dual mission of environmental protection and hunger relief.

One Tree Planted horizontal logo

One Tree Planted is a nonprofit on a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees and create an impact for nature, people, and wildlife.

Every scan helps unlock project elements

Fill it Forward app users help fund giving projects that provide access to nutritious food, clean water, hygiene, sanitation and education.

Projects featured in the app are predefined by our partners, who focus on sustainable (5-10 year) development in high priority communities.

Follow along in the Fill it Forward app to track our collective impact and to learn more about our giving projects.

Organizations can work together to support custom projects

With a custom Fill it Forward program your workplace, campus or event can help fund a specific project. 

How it Works

Customize Fill it Forward Reuse Trackers

Select a charitable partner to support

Unlock projects in the app to make an impact

Contact us to get more information about a custom water project.

Join the community of 300+ organizations that support Fill it Forward

Fill it Forward Impact Report

Download the Fill it Forward Community Impact Report to learn more.

Fill it Forward Impact Report

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