Super Bowl LIII Interactive Hydration Station

Client Success Story: Bud Light
For 2019, in the spirit of competition, the Anheuser-Busch CSR Team gamified the hydration experience at the Bud Light Hotel at Super Bowl LIII to promote innovative ways of communicating responsible drinking.
Each hotel guest got to choose an allegiance to a Super Bowl team (Rams or Patriots) and received an affiliated reusable water bottle.
Guests would scan the bottle before each water refill at the hydration station in the lobby and a live scoreboard tracked which fan base had the most refills.
The team with the most refills received Lyft gift credits at the end of the hotel experience.
Although the Patriots won Super Bowl LIII, the Rams fans took home the victory by staying the most hydrated between Bud Lights during the Super Bowl Weekend.
Final Hydration Challenge Refill Score