HPE Aruba Networking: Creating a Global Atmosphere of Giving and Reuse

HPE Aruba Networking is inspiring people around the world by implementing sustainable solutions at their global events. The Atmosphere ‘23, World Tour kicked off in Las Vegas this past April, bringing together developers and thought leaders. The conference inspired attendees to make an impact by unlocking donations with each refill of their reusable bottle.

Atmosphere ‘23 World Tour took a leap in sustainability by eliminating all single-use water bottles and making hydration stations available. Fill it Forward’s interactive program was a substantial partner in this initiative, motivating attendees through environmental tracking and give back.

Fill it Forward activated attendees through an immersive activity where they got to experience what it’s like to walk for water. Each scan unlocked a $1 donation to fund a piped system tap stand in Tanzania. This project will serve over 400 people thanks to a partnership between HPE Aruba Networking and charity: water’s Water Mission program, where they pledged $20,000 for this event.

Through the success of the Las Vegas conference, HPE Aruba Networking continues to inspire attendees globally. Their world tour continues in Latin America, Asia Pacific, Japan, and Canada. Each conference will continue to strive for sustainable solutions while contributing to clean water initiatives worldwide.

Together, their world tour has diverted 20,979 of single-use bottles from the landfill. HPE Aruba Networking continues to shine as a leader in sustainability & philanthropy through the impact they’re having on people and the planet!

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HPE Aruba Networking's Impact


Total Reuses

Interested in partnering with Fill it Forward?

HPE Aruba Networking is inspiring people around the world by implementing sustainable solutions at their global events. The Atmosphere ‘23, World Tour kicked off in Las Vegas this past April, bringing together developers and thought leaders. The conference inspired attendees to make an impact by unlocking donations with each refill of their reusable bottle.

Atmosphere ‘23 World Tour took a leap in sustainability by eliminating all single-use water bottles and making hydration stations available. Fill it Forward’s interactive program was a substantial partner in this initiative, motivating attendees through environmental tracking and give back.

Fill it Forward activated attendees through an immersive activity where they got to experience what it’s like to walk for water. Each scan unlocked a $1 donation to fund a piped system tap stand in Tanzania. This project will serve over 400 people thanks to a partnership between HPE Aruba Networking and charity: water’s Water Mission program, where they pledged $20,000 for this event.

Through the success of the Las Vegas conference, HPE Aruba Networking continues to inspire attendees globally. Their world tour continues in Latin America, Asia Pacific, Japan, and Canada. Each conference will continue to strive for sustainable solutions while contributing to clean water initiatives worldwide.

Together, their world tour has diverted 20,979 of single-use bottles from the landfill. HPE Aruba Networking continues to shine as a leader in sustainability & philanthropy through the impact they’re having on people and the planet!

Interested in partnering with Fill it Forward?

HPE Aruba Networking's Impact


Total Reuses

Interested in partnering with Fill it Forward?